If you have your own shop in CT and need the best tattoo parlor supplies, trust the industry’s best at Pulse Tattoo Supply. Regardless of whether you need ink, machines, parts, needles, and more, we have the comprehensive online stock you want. We are the best online distributor. We are proud to offer our clients the most extensive selection of high quality tattoo tools, machine parts, and supplies available. We are dedicated to providing the best quality tattoo equipment to the parlors that patronize us. As always, thank you for choosing Pulse Tattoo Supply.
Pulse Tattoo Supply proudly provides the highest quality hand-crafted coil and rotary machines in the business. If the unfortunate situation arises and your machine breaks, contact Pulse Tattoo Supply for all of your replacement parts. Our extensive catalog of parts includes:
And more.
In addition, the online store at Pulse Tattoo Supply provides a great selection of tools, including brush kits, and our own Pulse alignment and Pulse spring tools! We proudly offer the following coil and rotary machines:
The 20 Year Specialists
Executive Custom Outliner
Executive Tattoo Machine
Jay Kelly Bulldog Shaders
Jay Kelly Shaders
Mini Swing Gate Outliner
Solution Tattoo Machine
Team Victory Shader
Team Victory Outliner
AXYS Direct Drive Machine
AXYS Fehu Machine
Jay Kelly Automaton Slide
When you need the best supplies for your parlor, trust Pulse Tattoo Supply. Whether you are looking for foot switches, grips and tips, medical supplies, studio supplies, tattoo needles, or something completely unique, rely on Pulse Tattoo Supply. We offer our very own line of Pulse Tattoo Supply pigments! We are happy to welcome you as a life-long customer. Call 860-461-0288 to speak to one of our experts today.